Is zima down? I am getting ping from . Ovpn client is also successfully dialed up. But since morning it’s showing router disconnected status. Earlier when I tried enable disable router ,it used to become online but not today.
Hello Aman, it is working normally.
The routers sync engine and everything is working normally.
The steps that you mentioned are correct but not enough. It is possible that ping works and vpn client connected but still no sync. Most of the time such issues happen after a recent change in your router configs related to NAT rules (IP/Firewall/NAT) or things related to routes, or API disabling.
As a first measure (easy fix) you can copy the router script from zima/routers/connection script and paste it again in your winbox. The script fixes any misconfigs without affecting existing configs (it just targets the vpn client that allows your router to connect to zima vpn, and makes sure vpn client local IP is allowed to work and is not blocked).
Did you try that?
yes i have tried even tried factory reset mikrotik and copy pasting the script again but still not able to sync with zima cloud.
what is the routerOS version?
7.16.2 . just 10 minutes ago zima website also went down and now it is all working . idk what was the error but its working completely fine now
This is possible. We usually schedule maintenance during the night so it does not affect users. Currently we are having to do this frequently because we are migrating all users to the new system.
So far we migrated 20%. We expect to migrate most of users by the end of next week.
The migrated users will notice a speed boost in graphs loading (milliseconds instead of seconds), also the routers sync will be faster and much easier to debug when there is a connectivity issue and a number of other fixes.
09:58:09 echo: system,error,critical login failure for user admin from via api
this is the problem which we got at the same time when we have disconnected status for the router in zima web portal
Good day.
Zima does NOT log in via admin. When you created the config it was generating its own user and password. The ip you posted does not look like Zima. Cloud. It was probably a bot trying default usernames and password for a victim with bad security practice.
Please Practice the best security where posable.
I agree with @saint_patrick, he is totally right
I encourage you to restrict external access to your router to only IPs that you trust. Here’s a post that tells you how to do it: FAQ: How to protect my router from API attacks?