How do I uninstall Zima from my router?

Here’s the uninstall script:

{/ip firewall filter remove [find where in-interface="ZimaVPN"]; /ip firewall filter remove [find where comment="#zima"]; /ip firewall nat remove [find where comment="#zima"]; /ip firewall address-list remove [find where list~"zima-"]; /ppp secret remove [find where comment~"#zima"]; /ppp profile remove [find where name="zima-default"]; /queue simple remove [find where name~"#zima"]; /interface ovpn-client remove [find where name="ZimaVPN"]; /user remove [find where name~"zima"]; } 

Paste the uninstall script in Mikrotik terminal and press enter.


It removes the following ZIMA-related items:

  • Firewall rules
  • Firewall address lists
  • ZimaVPN
  • API Credentials
  • PPP Secrets
  • PPP Profiles
  • Simple queues

You are done, congrats :+1:

Reminder: Zima script does not exactly install “software” on your router, it adds a VPN client and API user.
You can learn more about it here: What is ZIMA connection script?

Close API port (Optional)

  1. Go to IP > Services

  2. Remove if listed in the Available From field on the API.

  3. Disable the API service

Note: if another software needs API access you don’t need to close it.
You can learn more about restricting API access here: FAQ: How to protect my router from API attacks?

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