Release 2020-12-07


  • In Subscribers page:

    • Mobile friendly toolbar: The action items and filter items fold into 2 lists for better visibility and user experience on mobile.
    • Delete Subscriber is now accessible from the actions menu (Previously it was accessible from Subscriber/Edit/Other)
    • Export CSV and Export Excel items were merged into one Item Export (Excel, CSV). It opens list (Excel, CSV) to choose the format from, then export.
  • Other

    • Sessions Log of the subscribers is now accessible by Resellers from the menu SessionsLog (previously it was only accessible by admin)
    • Renamed Subscriber/Edit/Other tab to Move subscribers

Bug fixes

  • Restricted change username from the Subscribers panel (previously it was possible and caused confusion for resellers)
  • Locked MAC for new added PPPoE subscribers by default (previously it was not set)
  • Fixed timezone setting for dates of the records added in the Credit Transfer section (Previously Timezone was not taken care of correctly in this section).