Accounting Report

  1. On the right hand side, go to Reports, click Accounting:

  1. Notice the colomn headers include:

Revenue: refers to the amount added to the balance for each renewal of a service plan and is usually the same as the retail price for the admin
Reseller: displays the reseller’s name
Credit: refers to the amount added to the balance for each renewal of a service plan (as a reseller or subreseller)
Debit: refers to the amount taken from the balance for the renewal one service plan
Subreseller: shows the name of the subreseller

  1. You can sort each colomn by clicking on the arrow icon next to each colomn header:



  1. Notice at the top of the page, there are 2 filtering headers: Reseller and Transaction Type

Clicking them will give you filtering options for the below colomns:

  1. Finally you can filter the colomns according to the date as such: