PPPoE speed limitation

Good day.

Can some one please confirm PPPoE speeds ar efected, i have 11 clients set up on min 50Mb/s and max 1Gb/s.
My issue i experince is the 1Gb/s is open but i get only 400Mbps out in speed test.

But if i disable the PPPoE loging and conect direct i get 800 to 900mbps.

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Hi saint_patrick,

I inspected your router and configuration and here is what I found:

1- Here are the performance statistics of your router: RB4011iGS Test Results

2- You have a pppoe-bridge set up on your router. This can cause CPU bottleneck.
My advice is to remove the pppoe bridge and create a pppoe server for every interface that you need:


  • Edit your router and go to the Config tab (screenshot for reference):

  • Click Add PPPoE Server and select the desired interface.

  • Repeat until you have added all the interfaces that your clients will connect to.

3- You might want to enable Burst on your service plans:

Feel free to try these suggestions and let us know your results!

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Good afternoon.

I am very sorry i only respond to this now. I have followed your segestion of removing the Pppoe bridg, and create a pppoe server on the interface. As i did do it on the sfp+ port i still get a bottle neck on the pppoe server. I have chosen to remove it from the pppoe and placed it via ipoe insted of pppoe.

Are you using pppoe on your WAN port also?
If so, can you use direct IP connection instead?
And do your tests afterwards, results might be improved.