Quota rules missing

Good day. Im sorry if this was asked. but why dont i finde the Quota rules in Service plans no more?

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Thanks @saint_patrick for your feedback!

Yes we replaced the Quota Control module with a simpler interface in this release:

All the major use cases are covered but with a much simpler User Experience (UX).

What is the use case where Quota Control module works while the new UX doesn’t. Let us discuss it in this thread.

Does anyone share the same and needs the Quota Control module back? Please let us know by liking @saint_patrick 's post and by replying to this thread with your specific use case

Well the first quota was much easer to manage and add. Well i have 8 clients that is on Uncap and in the quota controle ther is no uncap.

Could you elaborate more on your use case?

So you have 8 internet subscribers

Please specify the service plan and the rate limit that you need and I will explain to you how to set it in the new UX. By default everything is uncapped unless you decide to set up a limit.

So please specify the service plan setting that you need with all the details and I will show you how to do it with the new layout

I have 3 clients on 100mbps down 15mbps up. 4clinets 70mbps down 15mbps up. 2 clients 50mbps down 10upload.

what i set was the total cap is 5000GB a month so they don’t get cut of.

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Ok let me help you create this service plan:
We will call it: 100M

You set those:
Up = 15
Down = 100

That’s it.

Here’s a screenshot to make it easier for you:

Notice how I did not enable any limits (no daily, no monthly limits).

You can create the other 2 service plans following the same method.

Is there any other rule or limit that you need to add to those plans? Let me know so I guide you further.

Good luck!

Hi thank you for the response. Yes i was figuring it out the day i had to create another user. and till now it is still working. I have noticed i had to give some slight increase to the quota to get the corresponding speed and till today is still are amazed how this is a free service.

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Thanks @saint_patrick glad you liked ZIMA.

We are committed to constantly improve both the Free and Premium versions.

We prioritize the features that we are working on based on our users feedback and suggestions.

So feel free to reach out for any further questions and we’d be happy to assist :blush: or discuss.